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Is your social media person USELESS and costing you a fortune?

If there were two people I think I’d like to “toss under a bus” in the PT profession right now (figuratively – not literally)…

…it would probably be:

  1. 99% of webmasters


  1. 99% of social media implementors / content creators


Because most are utterly useless – or lazy – or both.

They’re the people who COULD, in all reality, hold the keys to much more success in the PT business world in 2024 but the reality is that both are so often underwhelming in what they actually do for you. 

Let’s start with web designers…

The clue is in the name.

They are web-DESIGNERS.

They are not “Money Making Website Creators” …

No, they are designers. They like things to LOOK NICE rather than actually make money…

Then there’s the social media guys and girls of 2024…

No matter what country you are in, the story is the same…

Hardly any of them can be bothered to do any work.

They spend more time planning to do work, chewing gum and twiddling a pen around their fingers, playing with their hair, etc, etc, than they do actually implement anything online.

And OH YES, how could I forget…

When they’re not doing that, what are they doing?

That’s right – they’re ON social media…

They like looking at every other person’s social media – but not actually doing any of YOURS.

Of course, they’re going to tell you they’re “researching” or whatever, but the reality is they can’t be bothered to actually do any.

(Most of them come out of college and have been told by lecturers that they shouldn’t have to do any work these days – but that’s another story for another day…)

Anyway, as much as this message sounds a bit harsh, I suspect you KNOW IT to be true.

You likely know that your web designer is clueless about making any money.

(Still checking it every day to see if it exists is a sign you’re not happy with it!!)

If in doubt, ASK THEM about THEIR salary.

I bet it’s less than yours…

(If they were any good at making websites wouldn’t you think they’d have all the clients they’d ever need to make a lot of money?)

And, when it comes to your social media, just look back at the last 30 days and see what’s been done…

If you don’t like what you see, and if I may, even at the risk of it being a little self-serving, I have a suggestion:

  1. Fire them both and save yourself a fortune and a lot of frustration…
  2. Request a FREE INFORMATION pack on how PhysioFunnels can solve both problems for you in the next 30 days.

Do that here:

Please be quick, AREA EXCLUSIVITY now applies…

Once we start working with a clinic in your ZIP/POSTAL code we cannot work with you.

Best wishes,

Paul Gough

And if you’re wondering why so many private practices are making the switch to PhysioFunnels, watch this video from 3 users at our recent Las Vegas mastermind.

Picture of Paul Gough

Paul Gough

Paul Gough, is a former professional soccer physical therapist and award-winning business owner who shot to fame after winning the prestigious Infusionsoft Best In Class Award for Lead Nurture and Follow-Up Systems. Paul built out a series of lead nurture funnels that he used to grow his own clinic, The Paul Gough Physio Rooms, a successful, 4-location private practice in a country where health care is FREE (the UK) and was recognized ahead of 45,000 other uses of Infusionsoft / KEAP to win this prestigious award. Since then, his funnels have literally been successfully used by 1000+ physios around the world to grow their practice.
Paul is also a 5 x best-selling Author on the subject of Physical Therapy Private Practice growth and his new book “Extraordinary Achievement” has inspired many practice owners to get to the NEXT LEVEL of success in both business and life (Available on Amazon).

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What Private Practice Owners Are Saying About PhysioFunnels

Nicole Laird,

Hays County PT & Wellness in San Marcos Texas

“I’m not good with tech…
BUT with PhysioFunnels it
doesn’t matter…”

Phil Evans

Urban Body,
Solihull UK

“With PhysioFunnels, everything is in one place, our team loves it, and it’s so much easier and faster”

Ida Hirst

Physical Therapy Specialties, Pleasanton CA

“Someone asked to see the back pain EXPERT”

Dave Mott

Physio Fitness, Bournemouth UK

“I can totally understand how PhysioFunnels is going to take my business to the next level.”

Tracey Lombardy

Houghton Physical Therapy, Boston MA

“We never felt like we knew Infusionsoft / KEAP or ever got to grips with it”

David Friedland

Osteopathic Healing Hands, Houston TX

“I save TIME and MONEY with PhysioFunnels”

Julie Zapata

Higher Physio,
New York USA

“I was overwhelmed at first… but I just let Team PG do their thing and it all worked out in the end”